“When we see something pop up on that chart, that certainly makes us pay attention,” says Warner Nashville senior vp of commercial partnerships Tim Foisset. In January 2021, two years after Avery Anna became TikTok famous as a high school student for singing country songs in a bathtub while self-isolating during the pandemic, her track “Just Cause I Love You” shot up the iTunes chart. (A download sale is weighted more heavily in determining Billboard chart metrics than a single stream.)Īnd download sales can be valuable in other ways. If an artist racks up a significant number of digital sales - like Bonnie Raitt, who sold 9,000 downloads of “Just Like That” in the week following her February Grammy award win for song of the year - it can boost chart performance and validate career relevance. That said, the sale of 152 million tracks translates to revenue exceeding $152 million, and many artists and labels say the format remains both useful and lucrative. Recorded Music Revenues Up 6% in 2022 as Paid Subscriptions Hit $10B: RIAA “The addition of the popular streaming music service makes Mighty an attractive solution for Amazon Music users who want to enjoy their music on-the-go and without a phone.U.S. “Compatibility with Amazon Music is a major milestone in our strategy to create the first platform for taking streaming music on-the-go without a phone, screen, or Internet connection,” said Mighty Founder and CEO Anthony Mendelson. “Compatibility with Amazon Music is a major milestone in our strategy to create the first platform for taking streaming music on-the-go without a phone, screen, or Internet connection.” Mighty was founded in 2016 by a group of engineers and designers from Google, Samsung, Dolby and Live Nation. The integration will be launched to Android users in early January.

The integration launched globally on December 12 to all iOS users and will be made available through a mobile app software update.

Once playlists and albums are downloaded onto the Mighty player from the companion mobile app, the content can be played anywhere.