Button Re-download - Re-downloads the mod from Steam Workshop.Button Dependencies View - Opens the dependencies view, for more info see part Dependencies below.Button Mod Folder - Opens the mod folder.Button Steam Workshop - Opens the mod's page in Steam Workshop.Except the signed and not signed states, even the partially signed state (not all PBOs have signature) is signalized. Multiplayer - Multiplayer signatures are marked in here.Status - Signifies the status of the mod, for detailed info see next chapter Mod States.

Last update - Time when was the last update uploaded on Steam Workshop.For Steam Workshop mods it is person who uploaded the mod on Workshop. Source - Indicates the source of mod (Steam Workshop or Local).The Mod Info presents detailed info about a mod and is opened after click on any mod in the list of mods. Dependencies icon - Info about mod dependencies related to this mod.Signature icon - Mods with multiplayer signatures are marked by a green sign icon.Status icon - Signifies the status of the mod, for detailed info see next chapter Mod States.Load all - All mods are loaded and moved into the Loaded mods part.Unload all - All mods are unloaded and moved into the Available mods part.Add watched folder - Allows you to add watched folder where Launcher detects local mods.